Getting to know Dr. Jennifer Fitzgerald

You might not be familiar with the name behind our upcoming externships this November.

Dr. Jenny Fitzgerald has generously offered up her time and experience to come and teach our Four-Day Externship, Advanced Externship, and a class on using EFT to work with couples struggling with Infidelity. All of which we are excited to offer in Hillcrest this November (Learn more about those upcoming events HERE)


Learning EFT Effectively in 2018

To the South African Community-

After 5 years of seeding EFT in South Africa, it feels like we finally have a core group of EFTers who are doing good EFT and becoming a community of clinicians who can support one another. I am excited to lead you all again into 2018, and to help you to grow your skills.


What makes you feel loved?

Written by Jill Fischer of

We all have a need to feel loved.

But what does that mean, really?

What exactly do we need in order to feel “loved”?

Researchers have studied this question and have found the answer. This blog is about LoveNeed Number One, which is this:

We need to know that someone has our back. We need to know that we’re not alone with the hard stuff.


Shaping Love: A Seminal Study

Written by Dr. Sue Johnson

Any researcher knows that, if you aspire to be an ‘objective’ scientist, you are not allowed to be passionately impressed by your own research. I am now going to break that rule.
