
Our events are moments that enrich the lives of all who attend, which then enriches the people we work with. Feel free to spread the word!
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About EFT

EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80’s by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg.
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Learning EFT

Everything you need to know to help you further in learning the EFT model.
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Each of these sessions is accredited for 1 CPD per hour. The sessions focused on ethical issues is accredited for 1 CPD ethics point per hour. Signed-up EFT SA community members will have access to this series of trainings as one of the benefits of the community membership. For non-members, the fee is R150 per hour session.

2023: One-hour EFT group supervision and discussion sessions

Each of these sessions is accredited for 1 CPD per hour. The sessions that focus on ethical issues are accredited for 1 CPD ethics point per hour. The facilitator will be Prof Elmien Lesch or other experienced EFT practitioners. Signed-up EFT SA community members will have access to this series of trainings as one of the benefits of the community membership. For non-members, the fee is R150 per hour session.

  1. When you are not sure of the commitment of one partner of couple…
    Date and time: 26 January 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Elmien Lesch
  2. How to assess if couples are de-escalated and ready to move on to stage 2 work.
    Date and time: 23 February 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Izan Hartman
  3. Updating your understanding and implementation of the five moves in the tango intervention
    Date and time: 30 March 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Elmien Lesch
  4. Updating your understanding and implementation of affect assembly in EFT
    Date and time: 21 April 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Robin Scott
  5. Skills to intervene with escalated couples
    Date and time: 25 May 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Robin Scott
  6. Using EFIT in your practice
    Date and time: 29 June 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Cornelia Swart
  7. Ethical issues (TBD)
    Date and time: 27 July 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Bridget O’Neill
  8. Engaging hard withdrawers
    Date and time: 31 August 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: John-Eduard Bosman
  9. Coming alongside and soothing the emotionally escalated blamer/pursuer
    Date and time: 28 September 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Pippa Solomon
  10. Ethical issues in couple psychotherapy (TBD)
    Date and time: 26 October 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Colleen Sturrock
  11. EFT and couple dilemmas
    Date and time: 30 November 2023, 19:00-20:00
    Facilitator: Elmien Lesch
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