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About EFT

EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80’s by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg.
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Learning EFT

Everything you need to know to help you further in learning the EFT model.
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EFT training is available to professionals wanting to learn the model. The training events and the certification is regulated by ICEEFT (

4- Day Externship

Externships in EFCT: Four day externships in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy are held throughout the world. All externships are taught by certified EFT trainers.

General Objectives:

Participants will obtain a clear understanding of the basic experiential and systemic concepts of an “Emotionally Focused” approach to couples therapy.
Participants will be able to conceptualize couple distress and relationship repair based on theories of attachment and emotion.
Participants will develop skills in helping partners reprocess the emotional responses that maintain relational distress
Particpants will develop skills in helping partners shape new interaction patterns and bonding events
Participants will develop skills to overcome therapeutic impasses with couples.
An externship inlcudes observation of live interviews, presentations of theory and clinical techniques, skills training exercises and discussion of specific cases, clinical material and issues.
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Core Skills

Pre-requisites: The 4-day externship. EFT Core Skills training sessions are offered by ICEEFT trainers. Training consists of small groups (6-10 people) learning skills essential to the practice of EFT.
Session 1
Assessment/Working with Emotion
Session 2
Cycle De-escalation
Session 3
Restructuring positions: Withdrawer Engagement
Session 4
Restructuring positions: Softening/Consolidation
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Become a Certified EFT Therapist

The advanced externship is usually open to 12 participants. Each participant will present their own work through audio or video tape, accompanied with a transcript of at least 15 minutes of the session. This is an opportunity to receive feedback on your work and the opportunity to learn from other group members.
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EFT Supervision

Supervision in EFT/EFFT is offered by Registered EFT Supervisors and is avaiable on an individual or group basis. Group supervision can also be accessed through teleconference or core skills training. The key principles of EFT clinical supervision are:
These principles were formulated with the help of Lisa Palmer-Olsen and the work of Eugene Mead.
A positive working alliance between the supervisor and supervisee is fostered – safety enhances learning.
Modeling is available: the supervisor actively demonstrates EFT interventions (e.g. demonstrates attachment language and non-verbal behaviors of EFT).
Observation of therapy sessions occurs or transcripts are examined. Role plays with feedback give opportunity for rehearsal.
Feedback to supervisee is clear, focused, supportive, and congruent with supervisee’s stage of learning.
Specific elements are pointed out for the supervisee to improve or work on.
Written theory and techniques of the EFT model are referred to and taught in relation to practice (e.g. steps, stages, interventions, experiential and non-pathologizing approach).
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