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About EFT

EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80’s by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg.
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What is EFT?


EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80’s by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg.  EFT is also used with families.  A substantial body of research outlining the effectiveness of EFT now exists. Research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements.

The major contraindication for EFT is on-going violence in the relationship. EFT is being used with many different kinds of couples in private practice, university training centers, and hospital clinics and many different cultural groups throughout the world. These distressed couples include partners suffering from disorders such as depression, post traumatic stress disorders and chronic illness.

Strengths of Emotionally Focused Therapy

EFT is based on a clear understanding of marital distress and adult love. It is supported by Attachment Theory and empirical research.
EFT is collaborative and respectful of clients. Alliance is key because it creates a safety that is healing in itself, is egalitarian, and non-pathologizing.
Change strategies and interventions are specific and address recurring patterns of negative interaction as well as the underlying emotions that drive these patterns.

Goals of Emotionally Focused Therapy

To move from relational distress to a more secure bond between partners.
To expand and reorganize key emotional responses—the music of the attachment dance.
To facilitate a shift in partners’ interactional positions so that they can move toward increased accessibility, responsiveness, and safe engagement with each other.
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