
Our events are moments that enrich the lives of all who attend, which then enriches the people we work with. Feel free to spread the word!
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About EFT

EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80’s by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg.
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Learning EFT

Everything you need to know to help you further in learning the EFT model.
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Join our EFT South Africa Community

Welcome to the Centre for Emotionally Focused Therapy South Africa Community. Our mission is to provide a forum for mental health professionals in South Africa and neighbouring countries who have been trained in Emotionally Focused therapy and who are using this framework in working with individuals, couples, and families.

Requirements to join the community:

You must have completed at least one formal EFT training
You must be an ICEEFT member

Through this forum we hope to:

Encourage and coordinate a community of SA therapists who are interested in EFT
Promote EFT in South Africa by raising awareness among mental health professionals about this empirically valid therapy model
Expand awareness of EFT through various speaking engagements and regular externships
Provide training, supervision and support to therapists seeking to practice EFT
Encourage therapists to work towards certification as EFT therapists
Establish an EFT Center that will participate in EFT research amongst African populations

Steps to join EFT South Africa:

1. Please fill out the below form.
2. Once received, we will then continue to register you for EFT South Africa, it is R500 to join us yearly.

EFT South Africa Membership

EFT South Africa Community Benefits:

1. EFT South Africa will put you on their website therapist directory. Please note though that ICEEFT requires that all therapists listed on this website must be members of ICEEFT.

2. You will have access to the monthly group supervision, where you can show your videos, discuss cases and also watch training tapes. You will need to be able to get ONLINE to be a part of this group, and have fast enough Internet Access to participate in this group. We CANNOT send out recordings of these group sessions because they contain confidential material.

A therapist’s level of EFT training is indicated as follows:

Basic level – completed a 4 day EFT externship
Advanced level – Additional Training with EFT Supervision completed
Certified EFT Therapist
Supervisor in training
Certified EFT Supervisor
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